I am so pleased to welcome Author Lisa Zarcone to my blog couch!
Tell our readers about yourself? Who are you and what do you like to do when you’re not a writer?
I am a wife, mother of three grown children, and grandmother to three. My husband and I are raising two of our grandchildren – Phoebe who is nine, a beautiful free spirit with a special love for all nature, and Liam who is five. He is autistic but making incredible strides. He always has a beautiful smile on his face!
At this time I am not working outside of the home as I have dedicated the last couple of years to the children. When I am not running with them, or writing you can find me out in my gardens. Flowers and vegetable gardens surround my home. I am also a nature lover so birds, butterflies and all nature make my world a happy place to be. I love teaching the children about life outside and what incredible gifts it has to offer.
What inspires you to write?
Life! Life experiences the good as well as the bad. Sharing knowledge, inspiring others, and sending messages along the way.
Tell us about your journey as a writer. When did you start and how do you keep the creative juices flowing?
I always enjoyed writing. As a young girl I would journal as a way to help myself cope with the turbulent upbringing that I had to endure. This was a special outlet for me. I reminded myself to stay strong, and keep on fighting. I also loved to draw and paint, which was another creative way to express myself. I continue to keep my creativity flowing through my life experiences and through my family.
There is always something new to learn, as our life lessons mold us as we travel on this journey.
Give us the elevator pitch for your book.
Tale as old as Time. In the silence of her unspoken truth she fights to find her voice so she will never be silenced again! The Unspoken Truth A Memoir. Take the journey into the life of a young girl, and read her harrowing story as an abused child. Will she be victorious on her quest to freedom?
Embrace this journey with Lisa, which will keep you emotionally invested from start to finish.
Do you have a favourite character in your story? Who is most like you?
My favorite character is me as it is my memoir, and I tell my story through the eyes of a child – MY EYES.
Who would you like to see play your characters in a movie?
Reese Witherspoon as she has played tough characters with true passion.
Do you have a favourite time of day and place to write? What’s your routine?
When the house is quiet and I have soft music playing it inspires me to write. My focus comes to light, because I am not distracted by my ultra busy high-energy family. I love each and every one of them dearly but in the silence I am ME.
What do you do to market your book? I am everywhere I can possibly be. I am on social media every single day promoting my book and story. Face book, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest. I am also on Amazon and I have an author page. I can be found on YouTube. I try to do as many radio interviews as possible and I will be taping a TV interview with a local TV programming network. I also go around and do author talks/book-signing events.
I will speak to anyone who is willing to listen. Spreading the word and bringing awareness to Mental Health Issues and Child Safety is a huge passion for me, as I feel it is so important to bring these issue to light. They are not talked about enough. More work needs to be done to help those in need.
Who are your three top author crushes? Who would you most like to meet?
James Van Praagh, Mitch Albom and John Holland. I had the great pleasure of meeting John Holland a couple years ago, and he was incredible, filled with beautiful spirit energy.
I would love to meet James and Mitch as they both have two very different ways of writing and the messages that they offer.
What are your future plans for writing?
I have a children’s series that I am looking to promote next. This series is inspired by my beautiful granddaughter Phoebe and her stuffed bear. They go on many exciting adventures together. I wrote this series to show children that all family units are unique. Phoebe is being raised by her grandparents and that is OK!!! I am also working on book two an extension off of my memoir. This will focus on the relationship with my mother and I as I transition into adulthood. I will dig deep into my mother’s mental illness and how it affected both of our lives.
The good, the bad and the ugly.
What words of wisdom would you share with aspiring authors? Believe in yourself and your talents. We all have something different to bring to the table. Never give up! Many doors may close but when that one special door opens magic happens. Keep pushing forward and you will find your place.
That’s lovely, Lisa! I wish you all the best on your journey and in your writing endeavours.
Thank you so much for sharing your story and chatting with me, today!
Dear readers, please check out Lisa’s links.
Lisa Zarcone Author - The Unspoken Truth A Memoir
Email [email protected]
Tell our readers about yourself? Who are you and what do you like to do when you’re not a writer?
I am a wife, mother of three grown children, and grandmother to three. My husband and I are raising two of our grandchildren – Phoebe who is nine, a beautiful free spirit with a special love for all nature, and Liam who is five. He is autistic but making incredible strides. He always has a beautiful smile on his face!
At this time I am not working outside of the home as I have dedicated the last couple of years to the children. When I am not running with them, or writing you can find me out in my gardens. Flowers and vegetable gardens surround my home. I am also a nature lover so birds, butterflies and all nature make my world a happy place to be. I love teaching the children about life outside and what incredible gifts it has to offer.
What inspires you to write?
Life! Life experiences the good as well as the bad. Sharing knowledge, inspiring others, and sending messages along the way.
Tell us about your journey as a writer. When did you start and how do you keep the creative juices flowing?
I always enjoyed writing. As a young girl I would journal as a way to help myself cope with the turbulent upbringing that I had to endure. This was a special outlet for me. I reminded myself to stay strong, and keep on fighting. I also loved to draw and paint, which was another creative way to express myself. I continue to keep my creativity flowing through my life experiences and through my family.
There is always something new to learn, as our life lessons mold us as we travel on this journey.
Give us the elevator pitch for your book.
Tale as old as Time. In the silence of her unspoken truth she fights to find her voice so she will never be silenced again! The Unspoken Truth A Memoir. Take the journey into the life of a young girl, and read her harrowing story as an abused child. Will she be victorious on her quest to freedom?
Embrace this journey with Lisa, which will keep you emotionally invested from start to finish.
Do you have a favourite character in your story? Who is most like you?
My favorite character is me as it is my memoir, and I tell my story through the eyes of a child – MY EYES.
Who would you like to see play your characters in a movie?
Reese Witherspoon as she has played tough characters with true passion.
Do you have a favourite time of day and place to write? What’s your routine?
When the house is quiet and I have soft music playing it inspires me to write. My focus comes to light, because I am not distracted by my ultra busy high-energy family. I love each and every one of them dearly but in the silence I am ME.
What do you do to market your book? I am everywhere I can possibly be. I am on social media every single day promoting my book and story. Face book, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest. I am also on Amazon and I have an author page. I can be found on YouTube. I try to do as many radio interviews as possible and I will be taping a TV interview with a local TV programming network. I also go around and do author talks/book-signing events.
I will speak to anyone who is willing to listen. Spreading the word and bringing awareness to Mental Health Issues and Child Safety is a huge passion for me, as I feel it is so important to bring these issue to light. They are not talked about enough. More work needs to be done to help those in need.
Who are your three top author crushes? Who would you most like to meet?
James Van Praagh, Mitch Albom and John Holland. I had the great pleasure of meeting John Holland a couple years ago, and he was incredible, filled with beautiful spirit energy.
I would love to meet James and Mitch as they both have two very different ways of writing and the messages that they offer.
What are your future plans for writing?
I have a children’s series that I am looking to promote next. This series is inspired by my beautiful granddaughter Phoebe and her stuffed bear. They go on many exciting adventures together. I wrote this series to show children that all family units are unique. Phoebe is being raised by her grandparents and that is OK!!! I am also working on book two an extension off of my memoir. This will focus on the relationship with my mother and I as I transition into adulthood. I will dig deep into my mother’s mental illness and how it affected both of our lives.
The good, the bad and the ugly.
What words of wisdom would you share with aspiring authors? Believe in yourself and your talents. We all have something different to bring to the table. Never give up! Many doors may close but when that one special door opens magic happens. Keep pushing forward and you will find your place.
That’s lovely, Lisa! I wish you all the best on your journey and in your writing endeavours.
Thank you so much for sharing your story and chatting with me, today!
Dear readers, please check out Lisa’s links.
Lisa Zarcone Author - The Unspoken Truth A Memoir
Email [email protected]