I'm thrilled to chat with S.W. Frank, today!
Tell us about yourself? Who are you and what do you like to do when you’re not a writer? I write crime and romance stories with multiculturalism. I've always loved reading. Over time, I realized the shows and books I consumed featured predominately hero/ines with milky skin. I believed there was a need for stories featuring diverse hero/ines. The world I encounter is multi-ethnic and multi-dimensional. I wanted to read books which expanded beyond narrow prisms. Finding very few, I began writing romance stories with inclusion. Two decades ago I hoarded these tales after experiencing the rejection of mainstream publishing. Around 2009, with the encouragement and support of my family I chose the route of independent publishing and allowed readers to determine each novels' fate. I suppose the former years as an emergency medical worker with FDNY and writing for my law school's journal prepared me for the good, bad and the ugly side of the literary business. I learnt a lot in the course of my writing and publishing journey. I can attest with certainty -I remain in love with a vocation which continues to feed my soul.
That is so cool! I really like your outlook. What inspires you to write? Everything and nothing. I simply write what I enjoy reading, combining entertainment with life's joy and its pain.
Tell me about your journey as a writer. When did you start and how do you keep the creative juices flowing? The journey of writing started young. In my bedroom, the scribbling and reading past my bedtime to fulfill a curiosity or to explore places I'd never been. Sometimes, the stories surfaced at odd times, like in school and I'd dawdle in class with these beautiful gifts of prose. To nurture creativity I paint and engage in activities that spark the imagination. However, observing people, engaging with other cultures, travel and staying in tune with the world events can do that too.
Painting, I believe, too, nurtures creativity and enhances writing. Give us the elevator pitch for your book. My elevator pitch would have music in the backdrop, an orchestral tune. I'd begin with my most popular book, a series that I started nearly two decades ago that I continue to write amid other novels. That book is Alfonzo. There's a young man out there, I'd say, and a young woman. They have yet to meet. Fate determines if they ever will. They are both dreamers; the man wants a life without bullets and homage to the dead libations. The woman dreams of escaping an impoverished setting killing her dreams of a happy future. They have in common, death and dreams. And in tragedy fate intervenes. They are brought together, to be one another's comfort in the world of organized crime, where cold hearts rule the loveless.
Do you have a favourite character in your story? Who is most like you? I have many favorites: Selange from the Alfonzo series, Jade from Sisters of Cain and Abel, Aubrey from Missing Person and Evelyn, from Evelyn's Cross. I believe each of these characters possess a quality of perseverance and hope. I suppose each have pieces of me.
Who would you like to see play your characters in a movie? If any of my books were to become a film, I would love to see a new actor in the roles. Someone fresh and talented. But, if I must choose someone well-known, I'd settle for Manu Bennett to play Nico (Alfonzo series).
Do you have a favourite time of day and place to write? Do you have a routine? I do have a routine, when writing. Usually it consists of soft music playing and a comfy spot.
What do you do to market your book? Marketing consists of ads, but most importantly a good story is spread around via readers (fingers crossed readers enjoy the adventures).
Who are you three top author crushes? Who would you most like to meet? Judy Blume (childhood crush), Alex Haley, Toni Morrison. The person I most like to meet is Former First lady Michelle Obama.
Oh, I agree with you totally! What are your future plans for writing? My future plans for writing is to continue writing and mentoring burgeoning young writers.
What words of wisdom would you share with aspiring authors? My advice for aspiring authors is to read many different books, observe and engage with other cultures and enjoy the process. For me, writing is a soul journey. Sometimes, we get lost in following the advice of others and lose sight of our purpose. Why do I write? What compels me? What can I share that might touch someone? I believe, if we write from a loving and honest place, our stories will resonate. But, whatever you do, continue to write.
Thank you so much for chatting with me, today! I’m looking forward to checking out your stories and hope that my dear readers will too!
Please check out S.W. Frank's website: 1swfrank.wixsite.com/authorswfrank